Rehearsal is held every Tuesday from 4:00–6:25 PM in Lowell Lecture Hall. Popsies are expected to arrive no later than 3:50 in order to begin rehearsing promptly at 4:00. If a Popsie is unable to attend a rehearsal, the attendance manager must be notified of upcoming attendance conflicts by 11:00 AM on the day of rehearsal at the absolute latest.
Excused attendance conflicts include extended class/section hours, an exam scheduled during rehearsal time, religious obligations, personal/family emergencies, and serious illness.
Unexcused attendance conflicts include an exam close to but not during the time of rehearsal, problem sets or other homework, and forgetting about rehearsal.
Repeated unexcused attendance conflicts will result in a Popsie's membership coming under presidential review.
Ticket sales
For every concert, a Popsie is expected to sell a minimum of five tickets. Because the Harvard Pops Orchestra does not have dues or membership fees, it is imperative that tickets be sold for the sake of revenue and continuity; furthermore, playing for a sold-out house is always much more enjoyable!
All new members must poster at least once in their first year.